Mar 30, 2004

My Stay at Jakarta

My Stay at Jakarta is extended. I may come only by end of the April Month. This is because of the new project that we are handling LPPSE. The Delivery date (dont get shocked!! it is Project Delivery Date) is nearing by. So, our Management asked to stay here at Jakarta and try to complete it by month end and go to Hyd only then. Thats the situation. Then, One more good (I dont know whether u feel it good or not, but for me, it is good) point is, my stay at Jakarta cannot be extended beyond Apr 30th, because, my ticket will expire by April 30th (Note that, my ticket is a to and fro ticket which costed 30000 and if it expires, they have to buy a new ticket which costs nearly 20000). So, I am going to agian start raging you all soon. And one more point is, my mobile is not working properly. It has got some problem.
By the way, HAPPY SRI RAMA NAVAMI. Today, we are planning to go to ISKCON Temple here in Jakarta. I will pray god that I will go back to India as soon as possible and see you all soon.

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